Microsharing becomes the top story

09 Sep
Laura Fitton via Pistachio shared by 5 people

by Mark Dykeman of  Broadcasting Brain

There’s been a lot of speculation this year about when microsharing will finally have its moment in the spotlight and move firmly into the mainstream.  A BusinessWeek Special Report: CEO Guide to  Microblogging may be the sign that early adopters have looked for.

This special report includes several features on the capabilities of tools like Twitter, Pownce, and Jaiku.  The articles cite how well-known companies like JetBlue, Dell, and GM are taking advantage of the power of what we call microsharing.  Whether a company is listening for customer feedback, answering questions, or otherwise helping the customer meet their needs, large companies are finding the customer at point of need.

Here’s a quick guide to the contents of the Special Report:

  • Getting Intimate (With Customers) On Twitter – a look at how companies are conversing and sharing directly with their customers. The customer has the microphone and is in the driver’s seat – companies are getting onboard for the ride… and the conversation.

Just one example from the report is that H&R Block, which helps customers through one of the least sexy tasks ever, is using a tool like Twitter to listen to its customers.  Web 2.0 technologies coupled with a focus on listening, are helping the venerable tax preparation institution to better introduce itself to younger customers. H&R Block is a good example of reaching out to a previously underserved segment of its potential customer base.

The report provides general tips and examples that will be familiar for those who have already adopted 140 character exchanges of links, information, and socialization into their daily routines. What’s significant is that businesses not already visiting these online gathering areas will find it increasingly harder to ignore the unfolding opportunities.  When BusinessWeek targets a special report to the C-suite, the trend is certainly growing, a few more executives will feel the concept “tip” in their minds, and more will start exploring the space.

Is microsharing mainstream yet?  Maybe not.  But it’s a whole lot closer than it was last week.

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