[DEMOFall 08] I recently tested an innovative travel site PlanetEye so, when I saw this one in the DEMO company list I wanted to try it. TravelMuse is less visual exploration oriented than PlanetEye and it also offers the social networking component that a lot of new travel sites have now. Having performed a quick test late at night, I cannot tell about the extended features. It seems that this site allows more collaboration with co-travelers than any of the sites that I visited. The Trip Planner is the core of the user experience and it allows people to collect all their interests and potential activities in a very interactive schedule page that displays a day by day plan. It is possible to collect information found on TravelMuse and on other sites. The option to share any trip information found on TravelMuse with a wide selection of social networking sites is also pretty neat. I like the combination of information discovery, collaborative social networking and the solid booking engine capability (provided by WorldChoice Travel, a division of Travelocity).
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