Usable Login: the Universal Login

08 Sep
the Universal Login

[DEMOFall 08] Finally! Someone is coming up with a universal login for the internet, that will (I hope) replace the painful-to-use Open ID. I have not tested the service yet, so I will update this article after I do. Idea: the user can download a UsableLogin browser extension, personalize it with a photo and a password that is an easy word to remember for them. Each time he/she needs to login to a website, whether it is a bank account or a social network, the UsableLogin box appears and the simple password is typed. The photo is also part of the security features, when the user sees it, it means that the web site he/she is login into has been authenticated. The technology behind the box creates a complex password that is only used by that website, it combines the user's codeword with secret information from different sources like the computer the person's is using, the Usable Security's servers and the website. UsableLogin is compatible with any browser or operating system. The interesting concept is that Usable Security never stores the user's word and websites never see it. That's great!

It will be available in early 2009 and you can get it from the Usable website.

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