Einstein once said something to the effect of, “you cannot solve problems by thinking within the same framework or mindset that discovered the problems.†The implication is that you need to step into another mindset, another level of thinking. So how do we step into another mindset, as Einstein implies we should? One possible method
Why Should Freelancers Use Mind Mapping?
(author unknown) via FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
shared by 4 people
Einstein once said something to the effect of, “you cannot solve problems by thinking within the same framework or mindset that discovered the problems.†The implication is that you need to step into another mindset, another level of thinking. So how do we step into another mindset, as Einstein implies we should? One possible method
Einstein once said something to the effect of, “you cannot solve problems by thinking within the same framework or mindset that discovered the problems.†The implication is that you need to step into another mindset, another level of thinking. So how do we step into another mindset, as Einstein implies we should? One possible method