Shared by Robert Scoble
I really hope all the religious wackos get kicked out of the Republican party. Amazing.
And yet another shoe drops. On the heels of the troopergate investigation finding she abused her power, we have a report showing she bilked the taxpayers for attending her church.
he camera closes in on Sarah Palin speaking to young missionaries, vowing from the pulpit to do her part to implement God’s will from the governor’s office.
What she didn’t tell worshippers gathered at the Wasilla Assembly of God church in her hometown was that her appearance that day came courtesy of Alaskan taxpayers, who picked up the $639.50 tab for her airplane tickets and per diem fees.
An Associated Press review of the Republican vice presidential candidate’s record as mayor and governor reveals her use of elected office to promote religious causes, sometimes at taxpayer expense and in ways that blur the line between church and state.
Since she took state office in late 2006, the governor and her family have spent more than $13,000 in taxpayer funds to attend at least 10 religious events and meetings with Christian pastors, including Franklin Graham, the son of evangelical preacher Billy Graham, records show.
Airplane and per diem fees: $639.50
Trampling the first amendemnt: Priceless
Update: Here is the previous problem Palin had with bilking taxpayers for staying at her home: