Archive for November, 2010
A Century of Popular Science [Visualizations]
Crowdsourcing Erases Graphic Design as we know it
Small businesses and startups rarely have a treasure chest that they can squander at whim. (not initially anyway) While being small and nimble that means business owners or branding service advisors try to get the most quality for the smallest price. For this reason, many small-scale businesses lap up crowdsourcing as if it were nectar sent from heaven. Almost anything from: business names, logo designs, stationery, business cards, websites and general graphic design needs is being crowdsourced. What gives?
Relatively new, crowdsourcing takes advantage of the collective power of the “crowdâ€. It provides solutions for real-life or imagined problems or the creation of a product (such as a logo design). It is, in essence, an open (or semi-open) invitation to a “crowd†or community—usually a wide and public one, such as online communities of graphic artists—to solve a problem or create a product, with or without monetary compensation. Most often though, prize money is dangled like a carrot.
Being a marked deviation from the traditional, full-service design model, crowdsourcing has earned the close attention of players in the graphic design industry, many of whom almost fell off their seats during the rise of 50-dollar and 99-dollar logos.There was a time when 50-dollar and 99-dollar ready-made logos were peddled online, and many new business owners scrambled for such services. The “Wow! Cheap!†mentality, unfortunately, it gave most of them exactly just that—a logo worth 50 or 99 dollars. Such logos still abound on the Web.
At least, with crowdsourced logo design which is often in the form of an online competition—the quality of the designs submitted are becoming more refined and are more creatively successful. Generally, the greater the prize money being offered, the better the quality of the submissions which leads to more professional artists and graphic designers being drawn to the price money like moths to a flame. Who wins in this scenario? The company no less, as it often gets hundreds, even thousands of design drafts from competing artists. Though, there’s still a risk of paying for a logo design that makes viewers say, “I’ve seen that somewhere.†Similarity, is hardly any good for effective logos or for business branding especially when trying to carve out a niche. Your logo has to be unique and memorable.
Crowdsourcing has closed the gap between professional artists and the amateurs, as well as between the seasoned designers and the hobbyists. Nobody cares anymore if your logo was done by a 16 year old student or a tried-and-tested graphic artists with a portfolio and years of real world experience under his belt. Crowdsourcing has raised graphic design to the level of meritocracy. If your years of experience have sharpened your artistic skills, well and good. If you have sheer talent, that’s well and good, too. It’s all about getting the job done and according to the client’s requirements. Turnaround time is very fast and the more the clock ticks, the more design proposals come in. This simply means less time waiting for the design drafts, which during that time you can use to sort through the hundreds of design proposals. If you are the project owner, all you really need to do is pick one that suits your needs.
Where does this leave the traditional, full-service, B2B graphic design company? In it’s place. Crowdsourcing may be perceived as health competition, and one that will eventually sway the market back to the traditional business model. One reason is that the crowdsourcing model has inherent shortcomings, least among them: the quality of the output itself. This happens because of the absence of a personalized and intimate relationship between the designer and the client—something that a full-service company can easily provide. This intimacy between graphic designer and client often stokes the inspiration for a design draft coming from someone who is in the know about the client’s needs.
Another important reason is that more-traditional clients would prefer the red carpet treatment and exclusivity. Most importantly, they’d prefer to dip their fingers deep into the logo design process. After all, it’s their logo and their design—and they do not want it to be patterned after some design trend or some variation of a design theme. Yet, crowdsourcing and logo design contents are here to stick around for some time, and I hope they do, because the longer they hang around, the stronger their impact will be on improving design standards, which currently are lacking.
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Crowdsourcing Erases Graphic Design as we know it
Whether Or Not The TSA Has Ever Caught A Terrorist Is Apparently A State Secret
Over at Slate, Juliet Lapidos tries to dig into the question, but the TSA won't point out a single specific case claiming it's a "national security" issue. Huh? Actually telling us whether or not the naked scans and crotch grabs catch anyone is a state secret? That seems likely to mean that the answer is, no, they have not caught anyone or stopped any attempted attack, and they're just too embarrassed to say so. In fact, Lapidos points out that, in years past, the TSA has publicly announced when it "caught" someone -- as in the one time, nearly three years ago, it found a guy who had enough materials in his (checked) suitcase to make a pipe-bomb. Of course, there wasn't an actual pipe bomb in the suitcase, so it wasn't going to blow up the plane or anything.
So, in effect, it seems pretty clear that the security screening process isn't catching anyone. Of course, supporters might claim that terrorists are too scared off by the screenings, so that's why we're safe. But that makes little sense. As Jeffrey Goldberg showed a few years back, it's quite easy to get things past the security screenings if you really want to. This is security theater, plain and simple. And the TSA must know that. Which is why it's a "state secret."
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Warren Buffett: I 'Should Be Paying A Lot More In Taxes'
WASHINGTON -- Billionaire Warren Buffett rebutted claims that the Obama administration is unjustly hurting business orders with high taxes by saying that in fact, the wealthy have never had it so good.
"I think that people at the high end, people like myself, should be paying a lot more in taxes. We have it better than we've ever had it," he told ABC's Christiane Amanpour in a clip played on "This Week" on Sunday.
When Amanpour pointed to critics' claims that the very wealthy need tax cuts to spur business and capitalism, Buffett replied, "The rich are always going to say that, you know, 'Just give us more money, and we'll go out and spend more, and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you.' But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on."
More on Warren Buffett
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