Color Picker Pen by Jinsu Park

24 Mar

unnamed twxiqvmk8q Color Picker Pen by Jinsu Park
Korean designer jinsu park designed a concept pen that adopts the eyedropper tool of photoshop for real life. The color picker pen enables colors in the environment to be scanned and instantly used for drawing. The sensor detects the color and matches it to the color display, then the RGB cartridge located within the pen mixes the inks together to create the color that has been scanned.

unnamed 6w07qh2dyr Color Picker Pen by Jinsu Park
unnamed 28urf4ur0s Color Picker Pen by Jinsu Park
unnamed dcjgqx9d35 Color Picker Pen by Jinsu Park
unnamed jw50ayxrkd Color Picker Pen by Jinsu Park

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