Posts Tagged ‘Alcohol’
Drinking with friends could lower the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease [Medicine]
Alcohol has its uses, medically speaking, and one of them might be staving off dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment. Moderate social drinking appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and similar diseases by a massive 23 percent. More »
Mild Soap and Water Is Better for Your Wounds than Peroxide or Alcohol [Health]
Most people aren't afraid to use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to disinfect a wound when they get a cut. According to WebMD however, using peroxide on a wound can actually harm the tissue around it and delay the healing process. This is just one first aid fallacy they're out to debunk. More »

Whiskey Now Comes in a Can [Bad Ideas]
A Latin American booze distributor now sells "dram in a can," 12 ounces of whiskey in one vessel. That's eight shots, so they're marketing it as "the perfect size to be shared between three people." Scottish whiskey makers are outraged. More »