Posts Tagged ‘cloud’

How to get WebSphere Portal 7 and WCM up and running quickly

27 Feb

If you haven’t heard, IBM offers a cloud-based service for WebSphere Portal  7.0 via their Smart Business Cloud offering.  In this article Paul Kelsey provides step-by-step instructions to implement your Portal 7.0 in the cloud.

Some highlights of IBM’s Smart Business Cloud for WebSphere Portal include the following features that always seem to cause initial problems in deploying your first portal:

  • Security is already enabled on the server
  • Light start up mode is already enabled, saving you time in starting the server
  • HTTP Server is already setup and enabled – no more plugin configuring
  • DB2 is installed and configured in a separate server
  • Portlet Factory is installed and ready to go

Creating your own Portal instance is done through a wizard interface, so it couldn’t be any easier.  If you want to test out Portal 7.0 or get an application out the door fast, consider the IBM Smart Business Cloud.