Posts Tagged ‘fringe’

Twitter Me This: Our Favorite Fake Twitter Feeds [Twitter]

07 Oct

Is fake-Twittering the new fan fiction? We think so! It’s pithy, witty, and boundless in possibilities. Lately it seems like these micro-compositions are omnipresent: Pretty much every Battlestar Galactica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Batman character has a feed. But we’ve come to learn that some imitations are more potent than others. We've got 10 fab fauxs you need in your life, in no particular order.

Michael Bay
The Transformers director offers egomaniacal musings on vegan grub, explosives, and beach volleyball. What’s not to love?
Soundbite: “Right now, I am combing my hair. Holy hell it's a breathtaking mane.”

William Shatner
Apparently the real Shat has started his own official Twitter feed, but we’ll always have a soft spot for his original, macho imitator.
Soundbite: “Khhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannn!!!!! There. I said it. Happy?”

Captain Picard
Ooooh, it’s on! At the risk of mixing metaphors, thus far fake Jean-Luc Picard has secured the lead over fake former James T. Kirk in the wackadoodle division.
Soundbite: “Captain’s Log: Did Horatio Hornblower ever have to put up with this?”

Dr. Walter Bishop
The brilliant/nutty doc from Fringe makes for bountiful fodder for satire in this more-creepy-than-deadpan offering.
Soundbite: "When given the option I prefer human test subjects as opposed to animals, simply because humans can better describe the type of pain."

Darth Vader
Or as he’s come to be known: nerd comedy gold
Soundbite: “Just realized I could totaly [sic] go SCUBA diving right now if I wanted to, no special equipment needed. It’s good to be me.”

Bad Horse
The Evil League of Evil leader riffs on villainy and reveals that he's a gadget hound.
Soundbite: “Developing a new superweapon; gathering ingredients. Wondering if I should make this hoof-triggered or telepathically controlled. Decisions.” (Meanwhile, we’re eagerly waiting for his spitfire take on Harry Potter’s provocative turn in Broadway's Equus.)

David Hasselhoff
Oh, ex-Knight Rider. Why are you so easy to make fun of?
Soundbite: “Deciding which leather jacket to wear.”

The curious trials and tribulations of superherodom’s most muscular swimmer gets immortalized. In yo’ face, Michael Phelps.
Soundbite: “Emergency over. Making some crab salad.”

Buffy Summers
The one-liners don’t even come near to rivaling Joss Whedon’s clever TV (or comic-book) scripting, but for sentimentality’s sake—and a quick Slayer fix—this will do.
Soundbite: “Ok. Seriously: Nigerian Masks and Hawaiian Tiki dolls are never a good thing to bring into the house.”

Zombie Attack
Which zombie attack? Well, any of them. Here, the walking-dead genre is imagined in a rather gripping play by play.
Soundbite: “I grab Greg and tear him away from the body. We run towards the exit as he tries to wipe the blood from his face.”

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Science Has Gone Mad Because It Lacks A Purpose, Say Fringe Creators [Fringe]

12 Sep

Why is the science in Fringe so out-of-control and scary? Turns out it's because science hasn't had a real goal since the 1960s, according to Fringe writer/producers Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Jeff Pinker, who talked to reporters on a conference call today. (I think the designers of the LHC might disagree.) They also answered your most burning question: When will we see a Lost/Fringe crossover?

When asked if Fringe and Lost exist in the same world Roberto Orci responded:

I don't know how Lost ends and I don't know if you know, Alex. So I don't know what the ultimate answer is on Fringe so I'm not sure yet if they exist in the same world. That's actually something I'd be willing to think about going forward. But certainly that is not something that we started thinking about in the DNA of this show.

So there goes my whole fantasy of seeing Sawyer and Joshua Jackson have a smart ass-off and then fight over Keri Russel from Felicity.

On the new scary science Jeff Pinker explained that this even though he believes that Fringe is decidedly non-fiction, it's still pretty terrifying what the science of today can do.

The world has changed in such a way that science doesn't seem to have a goal anymore. When we were kids it was, "Let's get to the moon." And a lot of money and brain power was spent then onto the moon. Now there's a lot more money it seems and a lot more people and private companies have it. They are all sort of following their imagination and doing anything they can. Some of it seems to be morally good and some of it seems to be morally a little but careless. But anything that we can imagine be it good or bad, seems like the real world is already two steps ahead of our imagination. Our stories are being told through our characters but the things that they are doing has kind of made us as writers slightly more wary of our world and astounded by the possibilities exceeding our imagination.

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