As JavaScript developers, we have quite crazy requirements. The playing field is in a state of constant flux and one of the best ways to keep up is interacting with other developers and reading their code. Blogs, such as the one you’re reading, are a perfect amalgamation of these two activities.
Today, I’d like to bring your attention to a number of blogs written by pretty well versed developers, focusing on JavaScript development, that you owe yourselves to bookmark.
A Quick Word on my Choices
Even though these blogs aren’t updated often, in fact a lot of them get updated maybe thrice a year, the content they do have are worth their weight in, well, smartly written JavaScript. The developers below vary from wildly popular to almost obscure but they have one thing in common — their passion for JavaScript.
I’ve limited myself to a cliff notes version of each dev to keep it short. Don’t loiter around — click on those links and get reading!
John Resig

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Creator of the jQuery library, Sizzle selector engine and the JavaScript port of Processing.
- Author of Pro JavaScript Techniques and JavaScript Secrets.
- Works at Mozilla.
- Tweets at @jeresig
Douglas Crockford

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of JavaScript: The Good Parts
- Popularized JSON.
- Works at Yahoo.
- Lectures on JavaScript
Dean Edwards

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Creator of IE7.js and cssQuery.
- Creator of the incredibly useful Packer script
Nicholas C. Zakas

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of a multitude of books including High Performance JavaScript, Professional JavaScript and Professional AJAX.
- Contributor to the YUI library.
- Works at Yahoo.
- Tweets at @slicknet
Dustin Diaz

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of Pro JavaScript Design Patterns.
- Works at Twitter.
- Tweets at @ded
Brendan Eich

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Inventor of the JavaScript language.
- Works at Mozilla.
- Remember to check out his podcast, as well.
- Tweets at @BrendanEich
David Flanagan

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, jQuery Pocket Reference and Canvas Pocket Reference.
- Tweets at @__DavidFlanagan
Thomas Fuchs

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Core team member of the Prototype library.
- Author of the library.
- Ruby on Rails core alumnus.
- Tweets at @thomasfuchs
Paul Irish

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Lead developer of HTML5 Boilerplate and Modernizr.
- jQuery core team member.
- Works at Google.
- Tweets at @paul_irish
Yehuda Katz

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Core team member at Ruby on Rails.
- jQuery core team member.
- Co-author of jQuery in Action.
- Tweets at @wycats
Juriy Zaytsev

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Prototype core team member.
- Github repos here.
- Tweets at @kangax
Peter van der Zee

Stoyan Stefanov

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of the book JavaScript Patterns.
- Creator of
- Works at Facebook.
- Tweets at @stoyanstefanov
Dmitry Baranovskiy

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of the Raphaël library.
- Tweets at @DmitryBaranovsk
Lucas Smith

Ben Alman

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Contributor to the jQuery and Modernizr projects.
- Creator of so many jQuery plugins that we’re ethically obligated to use the word buttload.
- Tweets at @cowboy
Rey Bango

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- jQuery team member.
- Works at Microsoft.
- Tweets at @reybango
Remy Sharp

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of Introducing HTML5
- Runs jQuery for Designers.
- Tweets at @rem
Cody Lindley

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of jQuery Enlightenment and co author of jQuery Cookbook.
- Tweets at @codylindley
James Padolsey

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Co-author of jQuery Cookbook.
- Creator of jQuery Lint.
- Tweets at @padolsey
Oliver Steele

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Creator of the Functional library.
- Github repos here.
- Tweets at @osteele.
Ben Cherry

Michael Bolin

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of Closure: The Definitive Guide.
- Tweets at @bolinfest
James Coglan

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of the Faye and Sylvester libraries.
- Github repos here.
- Tweets at @jcoglan
Angus Croll

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Works at Twitter.
- Tweets at @angusTweets
John-David Dalton

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of the FuseJS library.
- Github repos here.
- Tweets at @jdalton
Andrea Giammarchi

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Works at Nokia.
- Tweets at @WebReflection
Peter Michaux

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Dude is a darn enigma, wrapped in a riddle, shrouded in mystery. The articles are pretty much one of the best you’ll get to read so don’t miss out.
Christian Heilmann

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Author of Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax and Web Development Solutions: Ajax, APIs, Libraries, and Hosted Services Made Easy.
- Works at Mozilla.
- Tweets at @codepo8
Dion Almaer

Rebecca Murphey

- Find her musings on JavaScript at her blog.
- Author of jQuery fundamentals.
- Co-author of jQuery Cookbook.
- Tweets at @rmurphey
David Walsh

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Member of the MooTools team.
- Tweets at @davidwalshblog
Addy Osmani

- Find his musings on JavaScript at his blog.
- Member of the jQuery team [bug triage and API docs].
- Tweets at @addyosmani
That’s a Wrap!
I’m sure a lot of you are frothing at the mouth by this list not including someone. Fret not! Chime in below and I’ll make sure to keep this list periodically updated.