Posts Tagged ‘Medical science’

Drinking with friends could lower the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease [Medicine]

16 Aug
Alcohol has its uses, medically speaking, and one of them might be staving off dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment. Moderate social drinking appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and similar diseases by a massive 23 percent. More »

Cocaine vaccine could make drug addiction a distant memory [Mad Science]

05 Jan
The first ever vaccine for drug addiction has just been created. By combining a cocaine-like molecule with part of the common cold virus, you get a vaccine that turns the immune system against cocaine, keeping it away from the brain. More »

"Brown fat" injections could solve the obesity problem [Medical Breakthroughs]

20 Dec
Most fat cells are called white fat cells - they store excess energy and make it tough to lose weight. But we've discovered how to turn mice's white fat cells into energy burning brown fat cells, and humans could be next. More »