Posts Tagged ‘This is awesome’

Futurama Monopoly lets you own Robot Hell [This Is Awesome]

01 Sep
If we can't have Game of Thrones Monopoly in real life, then this is the next best thing — a Futurama Monopoly set is available for preorders during the month of September, with the game shipping in November. Watch out for the Hypnotoad! More »

Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor: An Idea Whose Time Has Come [This Is Awesome]

26 Aug
It's one of those ideas that's so radical, it might just work: women fighters wearing actual armor. You know, that covers their vital organs and protects them against damage. A new tumblr blog celebrates "Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor." The armor may be reasonable, but the pictures are awesome. More »

"Life is Hell, Then You Become One With The Force": Darth Vader explains Sartre [Video]

28 Apr
What if Star Wars was really a foreign movie, exploring the depths of the human soul and the meaning of life? A recut version of the film (packed with Jean-Paul Sartre quotes) replays Star Wars as an existential journey. More »

The greatest rant you’ll see this week: World War II is full of plot holes, and the writers should all be fired [This Is Awesome]

13 Jul
If you think your favorite science fiction TV show is full of nonsensical plot twists and lazy writing, you should check out the World War II documentaries, suggests Squid314 on Livejournal, in the funniest blog post you're likely to read this week. Who on Earth would believe that the Allies could actually win the Battle of the Bulge? It's total nonsense, and "Whoever wrote this episode obviously had never been within a thousand miles of an actual military." Adds Squid314, aka Scott: More »

The greatest rant you’ll see this week: World War II is full of plot holes, and the writers should all be fired [This Is Awesome]

13 Jul
If you think your favorite science fiction TV show is full of nonsensical plot twists and lazy writing, you should check out the World War II documentaries, suggests Squid314 on Livejournal, in the funniest blog post you're likely to read this week. Who on Earth would believe that the Allies could actually win the Battle of the Bulge? It's total nonsense, and "Whoever wrote this episode obviously had never been within a thousand miles of an actual military." Adds Squid314, aka Scott: More »