Posts Tagged ‘Top’

The Moon may have the same proportion of water as Earth does [Video]

26 May
Today, a group of scientists announced that beneath the surface of the Moon there may be as much water as we have on Earth. This revelation could change everything we know about the Moon — and pave the way for lunar colonies in the next twenty years. More »

The first sign that humans are on the verge of evolving into another species [Evolution]

28 Apr
A scientist who studies the small, silver elephantfish may have stumbled on the key to speciation, the process that allows one species to evolve into two or more. And it's all about developing new sensory perceptions. More »

How to raise a language from the dead [Linguistics]

27 Apr
How do we know what ancient Egyptian sounded like, or Old English? Linguistics gives us the tools to reconstruct lost languages from the words we speak today. Here's how it's done. More »

Meet the future of the space program: Artificially-intelligent satellites [Video]

24 Mar
We're about to put smart robots in space. A new system in development at the University of Southampton in the UK could allow spacecraft to go beyond simply obeying commands, instead developing and reacting to knowledge about their missions. More »

15,000-year-old campsite in Texas challenges conventional story of American settlement [Scientific Breakthrough]

24 Mar
15,000 years ago, humans camped in a lush Texas valley, leaving thousands of artifacts behind, from tools to face paint. This could be definitive proof that ancient people arrived in America by boat, not by walking the Bering Strait. More »

What we learned from 20 minutes of footage from J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 [Video]

24 Mar
Last night, we got a sneak peek at 20 minutes of J.J. Abrams' Super 8. So did the mysterious film live up to our expectations? And just how does Abrams' movie pay tribute to Steven Spielberg? We asked, he answered. More »

A piece of 50 million-year-old preserved lizard skin reveals how ancient animals looked [Paleontology]

23 Mar
Using new infrared light techniques, scientists have at last been able to analyze the chemical composition of a piece of lizard skin, preserved for millions of years in dry rock. So what did these reptiles look like in pre-human times? More »

We can reverse the aging process in bees’ brains. Could humans be next? [Neuroscience]

21 Mar
Bees can become mentally young again with just a few simple alterations to their otherwise fixed routines. Because the brains of bees are surprisingly like our own, this trick could help fight dementia and keep human minds young and flexible. More »

The secret to making long-term memories [Neuroscience]

20 Mar
One of humanity's most incredible abilities is being able to remember things that happened many years, perhaps even many decades ago. But it's only now that neuroscience is able to really explain how we can form such long-lasting memories. More »

Semiconductors threaded with nerve cells could be the first step toward biological computers [Cyborgs]

18 Mar
We assumed that in the future humans, or other biological entities, would receive mechanical or electronic 'upgrades'. It looks like it could be the other way around. Machines might be getting biological upgrades. More »