Archive for September, 2008

25 Tasty 3D Graphic Design Treats Part 2 | You the Designer

25 Sep


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Google launches group question tool

25 Sep
Duncan Riley via The Inquisitr shared by 4 people

Google has launched “Google Moderator,” a group question tool built on Google’s app engine.

Google Moderator allows anyone attending a function or forum to submit a question, and then give other participants a way to vote on whether or not that question should be asked to who ever is on stage. The theory being that the most popular and relevant questions would, according to Google, rise to the top so that the presenter or the moderator of an event could run the discussion more efficiently and in a transparent manner.

The new service was originally used internally within Google. Stan Schroeder at Mashable notes that “Sometimes it seems to me that the most useful of Google’s projects come from their engineers 20-80 rule.”

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First Aid Fail

25 Sep
failblog via FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments shared by 5 people

fail owned pwned pictures

Submitted by Sanjay

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Google Moderator is Digg for Group Questions

25 Sep
Stan Schroeder via Mashable! shared by 4 people

Sometimes it seems to me that the most useful of Google’s projects come from their engineres 20-80 rule, which means that they are encouraged (coerced? forced? whipped?) to spend 20% of their time on side projects.

One of such side projects is Google Moderator, simple and effective tool that lets you moderate group questions. It works like this: a topic is picked, and questions are asked by users; other users can then vote on questions so the best ones come on top, similar to Digg’s voting concept.

The tool, created by Taliver Heath, is supposedly used by Google internally, where it goes by the pet name of Dory, the annoying (or cute, your mileage may vary) fish from Finding Nemo.

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After the BailOut – Can the Bankers Who Caused the Mess Fix It ?

24 Sep
markcuban via blog maverick shared by 4 people

The bailout is a given. Its needed to introduce liquidity into the system. I wonder why no one is defining what happens after the 700B of mortgage and other assets are purchased by the Fed.

Has everyone forgotten that we didnt trade in last year’s bankers for a new team. The bankers that we hope will reflate the economy with loans to the people and companies who need it ARE THE SAME BANKERS THAT GOT US INTO THIS MESS. These are bankers that dont know how to bank the right way .

Not only are they the same bankers, but they now work for companies in an industry that has been completely turned upside down. WHAT MAKES ANYONE THINK THEY ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO MAKE LOANS TO MAINSTREET CONSUMERS ? What makes anyone think they are going to set standards that any normal American can meet, and then actually loan them money at terms they can afford ?

They wont. No chance, no how unless the Fed sets standards that makes them lend to Mainstreet America

You heard it hear first. If the BailOut has not requirements for how the money is used, this is how its going to go down:

1. The Bailout Hits. Euphoria on Wall Street. Stock Market goes up.

2.  Banking Balance Sheets improve, Banks of all types say the problem is solved. They loan money to their biggest corporate and very rich clients. They have to, they dont want to lose their business. Of course, those corporate and rich clients borrow as much as they possibly can because they dont know when and if credit will dry up.

3.  Wall Street Analysts say they are optimistic that retail sales will be stable with last year, and possibly even up as consumer confidence has shown increases

4. We start to hear complaints from consumers and small businesses that loans are not available to them , or when they are, the terms are unreasonable.

5. Dec sales for retailers are below last year and below analyst expectations.  Retailers say its due to lack of credit availability to consumers.

6. Mortgage default rates start to increase

7. Stocks fall hard

8. The Treasury Department says it underestimated the amount of money that needed to be pumped into the system in order to create liquidity for MainStreet.  They announce they will use the ANTICIPATED profits from the 1st bailout to fund the next 500B of bailout

9. They time the 2nd 500B “investment for the taxpayers” to be on the 101st day of the new administration.

10. The Recession grinds on and on and on

Bottom line is this. If the 1st Bailout doesn’t set standards for allocation of proceeds so that corporate clients dont consume all the liquidity from the BailOut, those corporate clients will consume all the credit. They would be stupid not to try and take all the credit extended to them.

In addition, there must be credit standards set  so consumers know what will allow them to qualify for loans (assuming there is any cash available for consumers) . The last thing we need is the redlining and redzoning of consumers. It may be 20pct down for a home and a given credit score. 10pct down for a car and a minimum credit score.  But there needs to be some minimum standards so that consumers know if they are being taken advantage of, and banks feel the pressure to loan the money to qualified consumers. This needs to happen

I dont know why anybody thinks that the Bankers who got us into this mess are going to take 700B of taxpayer money and  know how to loan us out of this mess. It makes no sense at all. We need to set standards for how the money will be used by banks


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24 Sep



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Million Dollar Idea: Umbrella Today?

24 Sep
Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins via Mashable! shared by 4 people

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple and seemingly stupid idea. Any geek worth their salt knows this, because they’ve watched Office Space, and thus know the difference between the “Jump to Conclusions Mat” and the Pet Rock (”It made a million dollars!”).

On FriendFeed today, I was alerted to Web 2.0’s version of the Pet Rock by prolific purveyor of cool Mona, a site called “Umbrella Today?“. The site takes the simplicity and utility of sites like “Is it down for everyone or just me?” and the question we all really want to know while we sit through the goofy antics of the local weather guy for seven minutes and combines the two into a quick answer so we can get on with our day.

For those for whom typing in a web address and a zip code is too much work, they also have the weather report boiled down to a yes or no answer available for daily SMS receipt.

It doesn’t get much simpler than this. It’ll probably make a million dollars.

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Drupal Developer’s Toolbox

24 Sep

This post covers essential resources related to Drupal — the basics, modules, Drupal design inspiration, Drupal themes, tutorials, starter themes, blog editors and Drupal-projects.

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lvsh on Flickr – Photo Sharing!

24 Sep

lvsh by you.


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Chinese Create First Warp Drive [Impossible Drive]

24 Sep

It may sound like something that would transport the Heart Of Gold in The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, but the "impossible drive" may soon be racing our explorers to Mars and powering our satellites. More formally known as the "electromagnetic drive," or "emdrive" for short, this steampunk-looking device converts electrical energy into thrust via microwaves, in a way that some physicists believe is impossible. But the Chinese claim they're building a prototype right now.

British scientist Roger Shayer caused a stir when New Scientist highlighted his claims that an em drive could violate strict Newtonian physics, thanks to an effect of Einsteinian relativity. The drive works by filling a "tapering resonant cavity" with microwaves. Critics have dismissed Shayer's idea as another perpetual motion machine, and the British government cut off his funding. But his assocation with China's Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an paid off, and the NPU team has been able to confirm Shayer's work independently. They also claim they're building a a thruster based on Shayer's theories.

If it works the emdrive could create almost as much thrust as the ion thruster NASA currently uses, but using a quarter of the power, Shayer tells Wired. Says Wired:

The possibilities are phenomenal: Instead of going out of service when they run out of fuel, satellites would have greatly extended endurance and be able to move around at will. (We wouldn't have to shoot them down because of the risk from toxic fuel either.) Deep space probes could go further, faster –- and stop when they arrive. Shawyer calculates that a solar-powered Emdrive could take a manned mission to Mars in 41 days. Provided it works, of course.

If this actually pans out, and the Chinese government reaps the benefits, it'll be an object lesson in the dangers of dismissing new scientific ideas out of hand. It could have been Britain building the next-generation fleet of super-fast Mars explorers, after all. Mostly, though, a Chinese breakthrough in the "impossible drive" could spark a new space race — especially if, as Wired hints, the emdrive stands to give China a decisive military advantage in space. [Wired]

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