Archive for September, 2008

WaMu Lent $24.5 Million To One Shady Family Of ID Thieving House Flippers [Mortgage Fraud]

24 Sep

If you're expecting this story to be about the worst bunch of shady house flippers from the height of the credit boom, you'll be disappointed. This story is about a family that took WaMu for huge amounts of money by buying homes and selling them to their friends and other family members for grossly inflated prices — and pocketing the profit while the homes fell into foreclosure. They did this as the California real estate market was imploding, and after WaMu had announced that it had tightened its lending standards.

The story begins several years ago, when Vijay and Supriti Soni were found guilty of forgery, falsifying real estate documents, identity theft and grand theft. According to court documents, the Sonis "obtained confidential information from various people – one of whom worked for Vijay and the rest who were clients for properties or mortgages – and then used it to acquire furniture, loan proceeds and commissions, real estate deeds and commissions, a Mercedes Benz automobile and cash for themselves."

So when the real estate bubble began to collapse, the Sonis saw an opportunity, and WaMu didn't do a criminal background check.

From the OC Register:

In July 2007, Vijay and Supriti Soni of Corona del Mar paid $440,000 for a home at 2129 W. Civic Center Drive in Santa Ana.

Five weeks later, they resold the house to Javier Hernandez – the family gardener and handyman – for $660,000. That's a 50 percent gain in 38 days – at a time when real estate prices in Santa Ana were plunging.

But the lender that financed both mortgages – Washington Mutual Bank – took a bath. In March of this year Hernandez's loan went into default and in July the bank foreclosed. On the trustee's deed, the bank listed the home's value at $377,137 – $220,000 less than the outstanding loan.

Records show that Washington Mutual, America's largest savings and loan and one of its most precariously perched lending institutions, financed at least 43 mortgages worth $24.5 million on properties bought and sold by members of the Soni family since early 2007.

So why didn't WaMu's new, stricter lending policies exclude the Sonis?

Experts told the OC Register that WaMu:

* Allowed financing of property flips that occur less than 90 days after purchase. The Federal Housing Administration imposed a ban on financing 90-day flips in 2006. The FHA also requires a second appraisal for homes sold at a 100 percent gain less than 180 days after purchase.
* Relied heavily on imperfect fraud detection software. Computers are good at flagging statistical aberrations – such as unrealistic income statements – but can be deceived by knowledgeable and determined insiders.
* Did not check criminal backgrounds. The Sonis had been convicted in 2003 of numerous felonies for a real estate fraud scheme. WaMu checks criminal backgrounds of loan originators, such as outside mortgage brokers, but not borrowers.

Last month, District Attorney investigators raided the family's homes and business offices. Now, prosecutors are investigating the Sonis and other members of their family for criminal behavior.

"Unfortunately, we are back looking at these characters again," said Doug Brannan, the deputy Orange County District attorney who prosecuted the Sonis in 2003.

The OC Register says that the Soni's effectively created their own market in Santa Ana, selling so many homes to each other for inflated prices that the sales were "later used by appraisers to give credibility to high asking prices for other properties in the area."

Here's an example:

Lohia bought the bank-owned house at 827 S. Flower for $249,500 on Jan. 4. She sold it 20 days later for $575,000 to her daughter, Suniti Shah, who financed the purchase with a $488,750 Washington Mutual mortgage.

That was a 121 percent increase in less than three weeks.

"Selling to each other, that's something an appraiser should definitely discover," said Mike Sanders, a Laguna Beach real estate appraiser and expert witness in property value litigation cases. "If the appraiser finds all the same people's names on transactions, then that's something suspicious."

WaMu loaned millions to O.C. home flippers with fraud history [OC Register]

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09/22/08 PHD comic: ‘What your vote helps determine’

24 Sep
(author unknown) via PHD Comics shared by 5 people

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
title: "What your vote helps determine" - originally published 9/22/2008

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

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“In Case Of Civil Unrest…”

24 Sep
(author unknown) via Wooster Collective shared by 4 people


Photo nicked from Jamie O'Shea's always excellent Supertouch blog.

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Find Out Where a Username is Already Registered [Identity]

24 Sep
Gina Trapani via Lifehacker shared by 14 people

When you think up that perfect new handle for storming social networks and other registration-only sites across the web, run it through first. This webapp's purpose is simple: to tell you whether or not that name is already in use at a pretty impressive list of sites, from Delicious and Digg to eBay and Xbox Live. The developer explains:

This site is a quick and dirty solution to a question that I often lay awake at night worrying about. Do I have my username registered across every site that I should? What if the next internet humiliation meme just happens to share the username I've been using for years, and suddenly people are emailing me asking "hey, is this you ???". The site is simple. I have a stack of web app urls, the application pings the site using the username you want to check, if it returns a "no user name" error we return that.

The list of checks can take some time, so grab a cup of coffee or browse the news in another tab while UserNameCheck does its thing.

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Compare Political Quotes

24 Sep
Ionut Alex Chitu via Google Operating System shared by 4 people

Google Labs added a new experimental service: In Quotes, which compares what different politicians say about popular issues like health care, taxes, environment. The service uses a feature from Google News that detects quotes in news articles and a public API that offers programmatic access to the quotes.

"These quotations are a valuable resource for understanding where people in the news stand on various issues. Much of the published reporting about people is based on the interpretation of a journalist. Direct quotes, on the other hand, are concrete units of information that describe how newsmakers represent themselves. Google News compiles these quotations from online news stories and sorts them into browsable groups based on who is being quoted," informs the FAQ.

Automatically detecting quotes is not an easy task, so not all the quotes are correctly attributed. Google truncates long quotes because they're treated the same as search results snippets.

For now, Google selected a small number of political figures from the US, Canada, India and the UK, but it would be interesting to create a service that allows users to enter two or more names and then save the interesting quotes.

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Planetaki (24)

24 Sep



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Louis Gray Tops Robert Scoble in Web Presence

23 Sep
Jesse Stay via Stay N' Alive shared by 7 people

pictures-909f19f1ff5645b2b95c94e0d9fc74d6-large.jpgpictures-251dca2ee33f11dc8d47003048343a40-large.jpgAs many are aware, it’s hard to avoid personalities like Louis Gray and Robert Scoble on the internet these days. Chances are that if you belong to a social network, and have friended them, they have interacted with your updates on the particular networks you belong to in one way or another. Louis and Robert seem to have a particular “omnipresence” to them, and both have an amazing knack for tracking the latest news and updates, and most importantly staying up with the actual people they follow. If you mention one of their names anywhere on the internet, there’s a pretty good chance they’ll know and respond in some fashion or another.

Louis Gray is relatively new to this however. Scoble has touted him as being “the next Scoble“, but in reality he has only become popular in just the last year or so. Scoble has been pretty popular for several years now, and a lot of his ability to be in so many networks at a time comes from experience. I’ve witnessed both of their abilities to multi-task and share and follow activities of others they follow first-hand, and it’s quite amazing to watch! Both are just as good at actually listening to most of the people they follow on each network they belong to.

A great example of this is in a panel at BlogWorld Expo last week, Stowe Boyd (aka StoBo) said something which Drew Olanoff re-tweeted. Scoble just so happened to be driving back home, but next thing we know, Robert was joining the conversation through FriendFeed and Twitter, all from the wheel of his car! We hope that Maryame was the one driving. Both of their abilities to know what is being said that is important at any given time is amazing.

In doing some research today though, it appears that Louis Gray may have surpassed Robert Scoble in the number of networks he belongs to. Doing some research on the recently announced, the username, “scobleizer” is on 26 of the listed networks. I am unaware of any other username that Robert Scoble uses around the internet, so we have to assume this is all for him. “louisgray”, the main username for Louis Gray, is on 18 networks. However, if we take the username, “louismg”, another username he uses (taken from his FriendFeed shares), we get 15 more networks he belongs to. Add to that the username, “asypta”, which Louis uses on stumbleupon and delicious, we get 5 more. That would, assuming these are all his usernames, make Louis Gray involved in a total of 38 networks. This is why Louis Gray has been so successful over the last year. I believe Louis Gray has just become “omnipresent”.

Any other names you can think of that rival Louis Gray or Robert Scoble in network involvement? I believe these two are tops in my book.

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'Genius' Gets Rewarded With Annual Prizes – Washington Post

23 Sep

Baltimore Sun

'Genius' Gets Rewarded With Annual Prizes
Washington Post - 12 hours ago
But now a city farmer, an astronomer and an expert in ancient bridges will all be given half a million dollars each in what some people call "genius awards.
The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up Scientific American
Fairfield U grad gets MacArthur award Connecticut Post
Baltimore Sun - - Science Centric - Earthtimes (press release)
all 19 news articles
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Google Introduces an iPhone Rival Open to Whims – New York Times

23 Sep

Times Online

Google Introduces an iPhone Rival Open to Whims
New York Times - 3 hours ago
By MIGUEL HELFT and SAUL HANSELL SAN FRANCISCO - Google and T-Mobile unveiled their answer to the iPhone on Tuesday, pulling the wraps off a slick mobile device that combines a touch screen and a keyboard and is aimed at putting the Internet in the ...
Video: Android: Google Enters the Cellphone Business. AssociatedPress
Google's Answer to the iPhone Washington Post
PC World - Los Angeles Times - BusinessWeek - USA Today
all 1,895 news articles
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The Adventures of Decapitated Albino Hercules in Ironic Hell. Chapter 11: Noxious Horror!

23 Sep

A Greco-Roman stool (former OED def, not latter) designed by Fashion Architecture Taste, cast in the foam-rubber form of Hercules' face, blind eyes cast up in consterne disapproval of a noxious, lowering backside.

Soft Hercules by FAT [Dezeen]

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