Archive for October, 2010

Chart Of The Day

12 Oct


Aaron Carroll explodes a talking point:

I’m not denying that some people with means might come to the United States for care.  If I needed a heart/lung transplant, there’s no place I’d rather be.  But for the vast, vast majority of people, that’s not happening.  You shouldn’t use the anecdote to describe things at a population level.  This study showed you three different methodologies, all with solid rationales behind them, all showing that this meme is mostly apocryphal.

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Facebook, Twitter and The Two Branches of Social Media [OP-ED]

11 Oct

Two Directions Sign

The Social Analyst is a column by Mashable Co-Editor Ben Parr, where he digs into social media trends and how they are affecting companies in the space.

There’s no disputing that Facebook is the poster child for social networking. It is the platform for building social connections online and keeping up to date with what’s happening in your social circle. It is one of the two most important platforms in social media.

The other one is Twitter. However, if you try to describe Twitter as a “social network” to anyone who works at the company, they’ll quickly correct you. Internally and externally, Twitter describes itself as an “information network.”

What exactly is the difference? And is there one?

People have used the terms “social media” and “social network” almost interchangeably over the years. It’s inaccurate to say that they’re the same thing, though. In fact, I argue that social networking is a branch of social media, and can itself be further broken down into two distinct branches — the social network and the information network.

It’s with this distinction that I attempt to explain the relationship between Facebook and Twitter, and why I believe they are not destined for a clash of the titans. Instead, they represent two different sides of the same coin.

The Difference Between Facebook and Twitter

It’s easy to see why most people think Facebook and Twitter are essentially the same. The core of their experiences focuses around profiles, relationships and a newsfeed. But if you dig a bit deeper, you realize that people use each platform for different purposes.

On Facebook, you’re supposed to connect with close friends. Becoming friends with someone means he or she gets to see your content, but you also get to see his or her content in return. On Twitter, that’s not the case: you choose what information you want to receive, and you have no obligation to follow anybody. Facebook emphasizes profiles and people, while Twitter emphasizes the actual content (in its case, tweets).

The result is that the stream of information is simply different on both services. You’re more likely to talk about personal issues, happy birthday wishes, gossip about a changed Facebook relationship status, and postings about parties on your Facebook News Feed. On Twitter, you’re more likely to find links and news, and you’re more likely to follow brands, news sources and other entities outside of your social graph. In fact, Twitter tells me that one out of every four tweets includes a link to some form of content.

There’s also interesting data from a team of Korean researchers suggesting that information sharing is fundamentally different on Twitter when compared to social networks. Their conclusion was that Twitter has “characteristics of news media” rather than characteristics of a social network.

In other words, Facebook and Twitter are different once you look past their social media roots. Now it’s time to define the difference between a social network and an information network.

Social Networks vs. Information Networks

This may seem obvious, but social networks are about your social networks. Specifically, the focus is on your friends, colleagues and personal connections. They are about sharing personal or professional experiences together. They are about keeping in touch with friends rather than discovering news or content. Facebook, LinkedIn, Bebo, MySpace, hi5 and Orkut clearly fall under the “social networking” branch of social media.

The concept of an information network is a more recent phenomenon. Information networks are about leveraging different networks to distribute and consume information. While they may utilize an array social media tools in order to find, curate or deliver content, they focus less on what’s happening in your social graph and more on information you want. Twitter may be the best example of an information network, but YouTube (video), Flickr (photos) and Digg (news) are information networks as well.

Pretty much every social media platform has aspects of both types of networks, but they tend to fall into one category or the other. I contend that Foursquare is a social network because it utilizes Facebook’s friend model instead of Twitter’s follow model, but you might have a different opinion.

In fact, that may be the biggest differentiating point between social networks and information networks. For the most part, content on Flickr, YouTube or Twitter is public, while content on MySpace, Facebook or Bebo is private. A big reason for that is that the former services utilize the follow or subscription model, while the latter ones utilize the friend model.


I consider this article to be the start, not the end, of an exploration of how we define social media and the services that comprise it. We tend to group Facebook, Twitter and an array of other web tools into one giant pile, when in fact they’re vastly different tools with vastly different applications and uses.

Facebook, with its mutual friend connections and college-exclusive beginnings, is better suited for keeping in touch with friends. For most people, it is indeed a network of your social graph, all in one place. Twitter, on the other hand, is all about the stream of information coming from people and organizations all across the world. That’s why there’s room for both: they simply provide different functions.

If we are to take social media further and further change the world with social technologies, we need to better understand how we use these technologies. The first step is understanding how we as a society currently utilize social networks and information networks in our daily lives. There are many intricacies that underlie social and information networks, most of which we don’t yet understand.

More Social Media Resources from Mashable:

- 5 Fun and Safe Social Networks for Children
- New Facebook Groups Designed to Change the Way You Use Facebook [VIDEO]
- “SNL” Spoofs Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg [VIDEO]
- HOW TO: Customize Your Background for the New Twitter
- Top 10 Twitter Tips for Bands, By Bands

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, ryasick

Reviews: Bebo, Digg, Facebook, Flickr, Foursquare, Hi5, LinkedIn, MySpace, Orkut, Twitter, YouTube, iStockphoto

More About: Column, facebook, Information Network, Information Networking, social media, social network, social networking, The Social Analyst, twitter

For more Social Media coverage:


New record size for a genome goes to rare plant

11 Oct

A rare plant called Paris japonica has a genome 50 times longer than that of humans, making it the longest genome ever recorded. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew , announced the discovery last week, and details appear in the September 2010 issue of the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society .

The Paris japonica genome weighs in at 152.23 picograms (trillionths of a gram), 15 percent larger than the previously biggest known genome, that of related herb, a hybrid trillium known as Trillium × hagae . "It's so large that when stretched out it would be taller than Big Ben," said Ilia Leitch, a research scientist at Kew's Jodrell Laboratory , in a prepared statement. Human DNA would only stretch out to about two meters. The plant has 150 billion base pairs, compared with humans' 3 billion.


Graffiti Artist Banksy Directs Opening Sequence of “The Simpsons” [VIDEO]

11 Oct

Update (4:32 p.m. ET): The Banksy intro has been pulled from YouTube. We have replaced it with a clip from Hulu, which is viewable to U.S. users only.

British graffiti artist and political activist Banksy was invited to direct the opening sequence of the latest episode of The Simpsons. The result is one of the funniest — but at the same time the most depressing — intros to the popular cartoon series we’ve seen.

We won’t reveal what happens in the intro, which is spreading like wildfire across the web; you can see it for yourself in the video embedded below. Know this, though: All those Bart Simpson dolls you see at every corner, well, they’re made of broken hearts and shattered dreams.

More About: Banksy, Bart Simpson, the simpsons

For more Entertainment coverage:


Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites

11 Oct

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 in Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites  in Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites  in Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites

Storing information locally on a user’s computer is a powerful strategy for a developer who is creating something for the Web. In this article, we’ll look at how easy it is to store information on a computer to read later and explain what you can use that for.

[Offtopic: by the way, did you already get your copy of the Smashing Book?]

Adding State To The Web: The “Why” Of Local Storage

The main problem with HTTP as the main transport layer of the Web is that it is stateless. This means that when you use an application and then close it, its state will be reset the next time you open it. If you close an application on your desktop and re-open it, its most recent state is restored.

This is why, as a developer, you need to store the state of your interface somewhere. Normally, this is done server-side, and you would check the user name to know which state to revert to. But what if you don’t want to force people to sign up?

This is where local storage comes in. You would keep a key on the user’s computer and read it out when the user returns.

C Is For Cookie. Is That Good Enough For Me?

The classic way to do this is by using a cookie. A cookie is a text file hosted on the user’s computer and connected to the domain that your website runs on. You can store information in them, read them out and delete them. Cookies have a few limitations though:

  • They add to the load of every document accessed on the domain.
  • They allow up to only 4 KB of data storage.
  • Because cookies have been used to spy on people’s surfing behavior, security-conscious people and companies turn them off or request to be asked every time whether a cookie should be set.

To work around the issue of local storage — with cookies being a rather dated solution to the problem — the WHATWG and W3C came up with a few local storage specs, which were originally a part of HTML5 but then put aside because HTML5 was already big enough.

Using Local Storage In HTML5-Capable Browsers

Using local storage in modern browsers is ridiculously easy. All you have to do is modify the localStorage object in JavaScript. You can do that directly or (and this is probably cleaner) use the setItem() and getItem() method:


If you read out the favoriteflavor key, you will get back “vanilla”:

var taste = localStorage.getItem('favoriteflavor');
// -> "vanilla"

To remove the item, you can use — can you guess? — the removeItem() method:

var taste = localStorage.getItem('favoriteflavor');
// -> null

That’s it! You can also use sessionStorage instead of localStorage if you want the data to be maintained only until the browser window closes.

Working Around The “Strings Only” Issue

One annoying shortcoming of local storage is that you can only store strings in the different keys. This means that when you have an object, it will not be stored the right way.

You can see this when you try the following code:

var car = {};
car.wheels = 4;
car.doors = 2;
car.sound = 'vroom'; = 'Lightning McQueen';
console.log( car );
localStorage.setItem( 'car', car );
console.log( localStorage.getItem( 'car' ) );

Trying this out in the console shows that the data is stored as [object Object] and not the real object information:

Console-e1285930679229 in Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites

You can work around this by using the native JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() methods:

var car = {};
car.wheels = 4;
car.doors = 2;
car.sound = 'vroom'; = 'Lightning McQueen';
console.log( car );
localStorage.setItem( 'car', JSON.stringify(car) );
console.log( JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( 'car' ) ) );

Console2-e1285930703974 in Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites

Where To Find Local Storage Data And How To Remove It

During development, you might sometimes get stuck and wonder what is going on. Of course, you can always access the data using the right methods, but sometimes you just want to clear the plate. In Opera, you can do this by going to Preferences → Advanced → Storage, where you will see which domains have local data and how much:

Storage-opera in Local Storage And How To Use It On Websites
Large view

Doing this in Chrome is a bit more problematic, which is why we made a screencast:

Mozilla has no menu access so far, but will in future. For now, you can go to the Firebug console and delete storage manually easily enough.

So, that’s how you use local storage. But what can you use it for?

Use Case #1: Local Storage Of Web Service Data

One of the first uses for local storage that I discovered was caching data from the Web when it takes a long time to get it. My World Info entry for the Event Apart 10K challenge shows what I mean by that.

When you call the demo the first time, you have to wait up to 20 seconds to load the names and geographical locations of all the countries in the world from the Yahoo GeoPlanet Web service. If you call the demo a second time, there is no waiting whatsoever because — you guessed it — I’ve cached it on your computer using local storage.

The following code (which uses jQuery) provides the main functionality for this. If local storage is supported and there is a key called thewholefrigginworld, then call the render() method, which displays the information. Otherwise, show a loading message and make the call to the Geo API using getJSON(). Once the data has loaded, store it in thewholefrigginworld and call render() with the same data:

if(localStorage && localStorage.getItem('thewholefrigginworld')){
} else {

'+loading+' '); var query = 'select centroid,woeid,name,boundingBox'+ ' from geo.places.children(0)'+ ' where parent_woeid=1 and placetype="country"'+ ' | sort(field="name")'; var YQL = ''+ encodeURIComponent(query)+'&diagnostics=false&format=json'; $.getJSON(YQL,function(data){ if(localStorage){ localStorage.setItem('thewholefrigginworld',JSON.stringify(data)); } render(data); }); }

You can see the difference in loading times in the following screencast:

The code for the world info is available on GitHub.

This can be extremely powerful. If a Web service allows you only a certain number of calls per hour but the data doesn’t change all that often, you could store the information in local storage and thus keep users from using up your quota. A photo badge, for example, could pull new images every six hours, rather than every minute.

This is very common when using Web services server-side. Local caching keeps you from being banned from services, and it also means that when a call to the API fails for some reason, you will still have information to display.

getJSON() in jQuery is especially egregious in accessing services and breaking their cache, as explained in this blog post from the YQL team. Because the request to the service using getJSON() creates a unique URL every time, the service does not deliver its cached version but rather fully accesses the system and databases every time you read data from it. This is not efficient, which is why you should cache locally and use ajax() instead.

Use Case #2: Maintaining The State Of An Interface The Simple Way

Another use case is to store the state of interfaces. This could be as crude as storing the entire HTML or as clever as maintaining an object with the state of all of your widgets. One instance where I am using local storage to cache the HTML of an interface is the Yahoo Firehose research interface (source on GitHub):

The code is very simple — using YUI3 and a test for local storage around the local storage call:

YUI().use('node', function(Y) {
  if(('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null){
    var key = 'lastyahoofirehose';
  if(key in localStorage){'#mainform').set('innerHTML',localStorage.getItem(key));'#hd').append('

Notice: We restored your last search for you - not live data'); } } });

You don’t need YUI at all; it only makes it easier. The logic to generically cache interfaces in local storage is always the same: check if a “Submit” button has been activated (in PHP, Python, Ruby or whatever) and, if so, store the innerHTML of the entire form; otherwise, just read from local storage and override the innerHTML of the form.

The Dark Side Of Local Storage

Of course, any powerful technology comes with the danger of people abusing it for darker purposes. Samy, the man behind the “Samy is my hero” MySpace worm, recently released a rather scary demo called Evercookie, which shows how to exploit all kind of techniques, including local storage, to store information of a user on their computer even when cookies are turned off. This code could be used in all kinds of ways, and to date there is no way around it.

Research like this shows that we need to look at HTML5′s features and add-ons from a security perspective very soon to make sure that people can’t record user actions and information without the user’s knowledge. An opt-in for local storage, much like you have to opt in to share your geographic location, might be in order; but from a UX perspective this is considered clunky and intrusive. Got any good ideas?


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Life after Google: Brad Neuberg’s HTML5 start-up

11 Oct
Former Gmail programmer and Google developer advocate believes it's time to break with past browsers and really push what can be done with new Web technologies.

Originally posted at Deep Tech


25+ Web Designs with TyPoGrApHy as a Dominating Design Element

10 Oct

25+ Web Designs with TyPoGrApHy as a Dominating Design Element

I lave the diversity and creativity found in web design. With hundred millions of web pages to compete with it is important to have a unique and compelling look and feel. There are many ways to achieve this and working with typography is certainly a good option. This article present a bunch of web sites that have designs making heavy use of typography to deliver the main message.

WooThemes - Made by Designers
WooThemes - Made by Designers




















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Happy Douglas Adams Day!

10 Oct
Douglas Adams fans would know that 42 is the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, calculated in 7.5 million years by a supercomputer named Deep Thought. Today is the 10th day of the 10th month of the year, and if Y2K never happened, this year would be ’10. In binary notation, 101010 is 42 in base 10. Today’s the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything! Happy Douglas Adams Day!

Happy Douglas Adams Day!

10 Oct
Douglas Adams fans would know that 42 is the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, calculated in 7.5 million years by a supercomputer named Deep Thought. Today is the 10th day of the 10th month of the year, and if Y2K never happened, this year would be ’10. In binary notation, 101010 is 42 in base 10. Today’s the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything! Happy Douglas Adams Day!