Posts Tagged ‘Fb’

Humans’ treatment of other animals shaped our evolution [Evolution]

22 Jul
Humans are one of the few animals that adopts and cares for other animals. Our cross-species connections might be older and more important than we ever imagined, driving human evolution for millions of years and even helping us invent language. More »

Plants can think and perform computations, say scientists [Mad Science]

14 Jul
Plants are able to assess their environment by analyzing light, and are able to "remember" light they have experienced recently. By analyzing chemical reactions in leaves, scientists have come to appreciate that plants possess a kind of intelligence. More »

Why are clouds white? [Madscience]

10 Jul
Water is clear. The sky is blue. So why are clouds white? And if regular clouds are white, why are rain clouds gray? More »

How do we measure gravitational waves? [Mad Science]

03 Jul
"Gravitational telescopes" let scientists observe fluctuations in spacetime itself. They are, in a word, crazystupidamazing. More »